NY Alliance Webinar Coping with Stress – Useful Resources
To download a PDF of these resources, click the Download Resource button in the sidebar.
Caring for Each Other Suggestions for continuing social responsibility and compassion during the quarantine.
Computer Apps to Stay Connected An annotated list with links to various internet-based apps that can be used to maintain contact with friends and family.
Compassion in Action: 15 Acts of Kindness Suggestions for engaging with others through compassion and kindness.
COVID-19: What You Need to Know CDC article that provides basic but important facts about COVID-19: avoiding infection, vaccines, wearing a mask, handwashing. Good tool for teaching staff and others about staying safe and healthy.
Emotional Well Being & Mental Health An in-depth article about caring for yourself and others during the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine.
Five Tips To Cope with COVID Fatigue Comprehensive articles addressing COVID fatigue, explaining the pandemic and quarantine to children, caring for the elderly, and self care.
GW Institute for Spirituality and Health Comprehensive website with links to multiple resources for coping with the spiritual and emotional stresses of the pandemic.
Growth After Trauma Learn more about how trauma can facilitate emotional, spiritual, and personal growth in this insightful article.
Mental Health Concerns & COVID Fatigue Podcasts and tips from the University of Massachusetts Medical School with a focus on understanding and coping with COVID fatigue and the effects of isolation.
NY Project Hope A comprehensive website facilitating a connection to the confidential and anonymous Project Hope Help Line. Additional links on the website offer information for accessing a range of resources, including managing financial concerns, coping with stress, and suggestions for promoting relaxation and self-care.
Resilience and Emotional Well-Being Video Series A series of useful videos by mental health practitioners from the University of California/San Francisco Weill Institute for Neuroscience. These short videos provide tools, insights, and resources for individuals, caregivers, and practitioners for managing life and challenges during the pandemic.
Worldometer Daily statistics from all over the globe, including in-depth analysis and charts of the progress of the pandemic.